Ti Nguyen 30/01/2020

Great phone, the phone is great, great is in this phobe. ***BE AWARE*** when you buy the Used ones in hardwareshop Warehouse, mine comes with a tiny crack on the bottom of the screen, which was nowhere stated in the description!! Great phone, compares to S9 plus:*Battery life, as the SD855 is more efficient than the SD845 in S9*Screen: wide, feel righter than the S9 plus*Camera: I don't see a huge difference since I don't take pictures that muchCons: it's more of a nitpick here, compares to the S9 plus, this thing is huge, get the normal S10 or S10e for better access to the power button, the fact that I have to move my hand up a bit so my finger could reach the power button from a neutral hold position is quite annoying.An incredible machine, as they say.

SemJan 10/01/2020

Love this phone!. My wife and I bought 2 for us, after half a year can only say we love it! At first it looked a bit large after using S7, but after just few days I start to wonder how did I even used smaller screen before. Fingerprint reader could be better, but I still prefer this over face recognition or reader on the back of the phone. Battery life is fantastic after S7, it can go up to 2 days of very heavy use. Wireless charging works great, however cable one is just so quick and thus hard to beat (I could up the battery for 30% in just 10-15min). Overall - happy with this phone!

Yambó 25/12/2019

Great phone. Im in Puerto Rico and have claro as a carrier, it worked great. There are some times that I connect it to wifi and switch to mobile data, I found that the connection get lost and I need to restart it but that happends once in a while. Overall, I really like the phone.

Debbie 07/12/2019

Not much of an improvement. Phone was NOT unlocked. But it was factory reset. For Samsung, I miss the ease and usability of the S9, the S10+ has lots of the same features and a few extra OS integrated software upgrades with extra cameras, but the tradeoff of the back finger scanner makes the S10 is not much of an improvement from the S9, it's somewhat of a step back because the camera still is not able to perform professionally and compromises the convience and usability of the device as a cell phone.

Opium 01/11/2019

Eh Idk go to a store. I sent mine back I couldn't get it to work right with any major carrier. And started up in Spanish.